Panorama Vista Preserve
Latest News & Events
PVP 25th Anniversary celebration!
Please join us as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Panorama Vista Preserve! Attendees will enjoy a dinner of steak or BBQ chicken breast and all the fixings, along with beer, wine, and soft drinks, and Jake’s cake for dessert. The barbecue will take place at...
Plants and Animals on the Preserve
Recreational Opportunities
The Kern River Corridor Endowment is dedicated to
- Improving wildlife habitat along the Kern River through the restoration of its riparian forest and associated grasslands;
- Providing educational and research opportunities. To that end, KRCE has hosted twice-yearly science day camps for local school children.
- Providing low-impact recreational opportunities for our community such as walking, running, bicycling, and horseback riding. Motorcycles, overnight camping, campfires, etc. are not permitted.