Volunteer & Education

Hands-on Volunteer Opportunities

The Endowment’s directors and staff are volunteers and if you visit the Preserve and happen to see someone wielding a rake, shovel, or water hose, that person is more than likely a volunteer. Help is always welcomed, especially in revegetation projects.
Various chores may include weeding around the plantings, spreading mulch, picking up litter, chopping tumbleweeds, maintaining the drip lines, and in season, taking cuttings and gathering seeds.

It will take time and money to restore the native habitat and to otherwise maintain the Preserve. Hikers, equestrians, birders, bicycle riders, and other members of our community are already enjoying the tranquility of the place. The Preserve is an important oasis today; it will only become more important in the future.

Contact: (661) 324-0311 or email contact@panoramavista.org

Educational Opportunities

We provide an educational outreach program including signage, brochures, field trips, Science Day Camps, etc., for our nature deprived school children to teach them a greater awareness and appreciation of animal and plant life.
1. To give them an opportunity to enjoy the out of doors
2. To gain respect for and interest in our ecosystem
3. Unplug electronics and plug them into nature to give them an opportunity to gain respect for and interest in the importance of our ecosystem.

Why is This Important

“Today’s Children are the future stewards of our environment.
The diverse wildlife and ecosystems are part of kern county history
We teach people to respect nature and to leave nature in nature. By protecting it we protect our own heritage for generations to come.” (Sharon Brown, Museum Docent)

Kathi Parks is our Education Outreach Coordinator. Field trips and Science Day Camps can be arranged through her by calling  (661) 324-0311 or email:
